Apple App Developer Program. Legal entity status your business must be recognized as a legal entity (e.g., a corporation, limited partnership, limited liability company) to enter into the legal terms and obligations of apple developer program. As per apple’s app review guidelines, apps should be submitted by the provider of the app’s content.
• browse news, features, developer stories, and informative videos. The apple developer program is what gives you the ability to make your app available on the app store for ios users. If the app content and the app developer do not.
Ios, os x, and safari.
I would personally love to see support for browsing documentation and viewing the developer forums in the app if possible. In a court filing dated august 17 (.pdf) and shared by fortnite developer epic, apple said that fornite has been found in direct violation of the apple developer program license agreement, and. As per apple’s app review guidelines, apps should be submitted by the provider of the app’s content. Being a registered apple developer gives you access to a lot of information, but to be able to send apps to the app store (and to have access to certain associated portals) you need to enroll in apple’s developer program.