Apps Like Craigslist For Furniture. Carousell is one such apps like craigslist which is so simple to use and it takes less than a minute to create the perfect ad for your stuff on this app. Best sites like craigslist for selling items.
Different features of close5 are bookmarking favorite items, private messages, charges free advertisements, safe and secure platform etc. Other apps charge sellers listing fees, such as flat fees ranging from $2.50 to $7.95, and sales fees, which are usually a percentage of the sale and can be as high as 20%. Buy & sell furniture, household items, electronics, computers, clothing, bikes, art, any and all kinds of used items.
Most trusted ways to buy and sell locally.
Find the best apps like letgo to buy and sell your items. Save your favorite postings for later, save searches, set search alerts. Buy & sell furniture, household items, electronics, computers, clothing, bikes, art, any and all kinds of used items. Like craigslist on steroids, cplus offers tremendous extra features that make browsing and searching on craigslist very smoothly.