Apps That Pay You To Walk. Although these ways to earn money walking are great for some extra cash, you probably will not be able to quit your job. Once you register for betterpoints you will need to join the rewards program they offer, there are multiple programs to choose from and you can join as many as you want as long.
Payment is by paypal or check. If you wanted to try something else other than these three apps that allow you to get paid to walk, consider other apps that pay you for watching movie previews, youtube, and like videos that pay a lot more. Lindsay is a personal finance expert and writer based in washington state.
This is a really easy way to make money doing something you already do.
Gigwalk is one of the best apps that pay you to walk. There are a few ‘get paid to walk apps‘ — among the best are healthywage, sweatcoin, and achievement. According to them, the members of charity miles have already earned more than 2.5 million dollars for charities by walking, cycling, running, biking and much more. But it’s a source of a little extra pocket money and motivation to get you moving around more.