Best Contraction Timing App. Contraction timer helps you time how long and how frequent your contractions are when going into labor. Being able to accurately tell your ob/gyn physician and nursing triage team the timing of your contractions is critical for determining when.
The app is designed to keep track of the times, durations and frequency of the entire labor period. Think you might be going into labor? The app analyzes the duration and frequency of.
️ this app has a smart contraction tracker that will let you know when you should head to the hospital.
Time the duration of a contraction by starting your timer when a contraction starts and stopping the timer when the contraction ends. It displays everything in an easy to use format, and allows various. I liked being able to see the contraction history and averages and shared this with my doula and midwife to communicate progress before going to the hospital. Contraction timers have become very popular with the invention of the smartphone.