Best Money Transfer App To India. Sometimes an international money transfer can be collected as cash in person by whoever you're sending it to, rather than deposited into a bank account. It also offers low fees and low minimum transfer amounts.
It is secure, fast and operates 365 days and have cheap transfer rates of almost $2.99 for bank account transfers and $4.99 for debit and credit card transfers (no fee when transferring more than $1,000). With remit2india, money transfer from australia to india is easy, secure and transparent. Millions of people like you send money back to india every week.
It offers a comprehensive list of payment services for both customers and merchants to make seamless payments using the app, from banks, credit/debit cards and digital credit among others.
Our top pick is google pay, which is also the no.1 payment app right now. The best money transfer apps make is simple and easy to transfer money to friends, family, or pay for goods/services directly through your smartphone or other mobile device. Money making apps like app trailers can be improved by giving your honest experience about the app you are using. Know what to consider when choosing the best android or ios app for sending money internationally.