Dave Money Loan App. If you need extra cash to cover an expense before your next payday, dave offers cash advances of up to $100. **dave banking is here!** sign up for dave banking and you’ll get up to a $100 advance from your next paycheck.
Dave only charges a $1.00 fee to loan you the money plus any tip you’re willing to donate, but is not required. I remembered i’d installed the dave app a couple of weeks ago and within a few minutes, i was approved for a small loan and because i paid the extra $4.99 expedite fee, the money was deposited into my bank account within the hour. 21 apps like earnin and dave.
**dave banking is here!** sign up for dave banking and you’ll get up to a $100 advance from your next paycheck.
You have to pay $ 8 for a monthly membership. There are options for a turnaround time of the same business day. **dave banking is here!** sign up for dave banking and you’ll get up to a $100 advance from your next paycheck. Just like your friend dave, who’s always good to spot you a little extra cash, this payday loan alternative can give you a little extra money ahead of payday.