Facebook Page Approve Comments. You cannot turn off the commenting activity directly as there are no options as such for pages. Instead, it is buried off to the side under “posts by visitor”.
Access to the page settings in near to top right hand corner. This means any comment posted will be visible, there is no way of keeping a comment private until you view it and approve it. Click view activity log at the bottom right corner of your cover photo.
Send messages as the page;
Whenever we have managed facebook pages for businesses or individuals that are the target for online reputation attacks, i’ve been struck with how odd it is that facebook doesn’t provide an option to allow all comments to be automatically moderated so that one may review them and approve or disapprove them before being published. If you hide all comments, then you’ve effectively disabled comments on your page. You can limit or restrict comments on facebook pages as an admin or a moderator. You cannot turn off the commenting activity directly as there are no options as such for pages.