How To Cash App To Apple Pay. An apple pay cash credit balance can be used for making payments using apple pay (including within supported apps where apple pay is offered as a payment option), but i cannot be used for itunes store, app store or ibooks store purchases: Use the steps for your iphone.
A payment app owned by square, which many small merchants use to process retail purchases. Your apple cash card lives in the wallet app, and thus apple pay. An apple pay cash credit balance can be used for making payments using apple pay (including within supported apps where apple pay is offered as a payment option), but i cannot be used for itunes store, app store or ibooks store purchases:
If you pay with apple cash and see two cards on the payment sheet, your apple cash balance is less.
By default, your apple cash card is used to pay first, unless you turn off apple cash as the default payment method and use a debit card in wallet instead. To add your cash card to apple pay: Apple device> settings>wallet & apple pay>click apple pay cash>set up apple pay cash. After you open a conversation in the messages app, tap the apple pay button , then enter an amount.;