Lucky Dollar Appliances. Lucky dollar tt operating under the unicomer group, lucky dollar currently operates in jamaica and trinidad & tobago, and offers competitive prices, small installments, easy credit and flexible payment plans on appliances, electronics, homewares and furniture. Lucky dollar is a brand of the unicomer group a multinational retailing group headquartered in san salvador, el salvador.
We sent you an email at click on the confirm link in this message otherwise we won't be able to notify you about new replies to your ads and messages in the chat. Operating under the unicomer group, lucky dollar currently operates in jamaica and trinidad & tobago, and offers competitive prices, small installments, easy credit and flexible payment plans on appliances, electronics, homewares and furniture. On the map you will find the.
“we had our official launch in july with an outside broadcast so a lot of people who may.
This is a detailed map of jamaica that person can use to find jamaican addresses and locations. 25 west parade, kingston, jamaica, west indies. A brand of the unicomer group, lucky dollar currently operates in jamaica and trinidad & tobago, and offers competitive prices,. Lucky dollar tt operating under the unicomer group, lucky dollar currently operates in jamaica and trinidad & tobago, and offers competitive prices, small installments, easy credit and flexible payment plans on appliances, electronics, homewares and furniture.