Top Hat Apple Painting. The painting consists of a man in an overcoat and a bowler hat standing in front of a low wall, beyond which are the sea and a cloudy sky. For these reasons, it is one of the most expensive paintings ever sold by an american artist as it was sold for a huge $140 million.
Behind this short wall are a cloudy sky and the sea. “in the early 20th century, the bowler became one of the most popular hats.” For these reasons, it is one of the most expensive paintings ever sold by an american artist as it was sold for a huge $140 million.
Behind this short wall are a cloudy sky and the sea.
The first is the apple, which he uses to great lengths in many of his works, the most famous of which is the son of man, depicting a man wearing a bowling hat, with a green apple covering his face. Seuss book, ten apples up on top, is one of our favorite stories. The man's face is largely obscured by a hovering green apple. T en apples up on top is about a lion, a tiger, and a dog who are all friends.